Unexpected Things. . .

We all have unexpected things happen in life, right? On Wednesday, while at lunch with our good friends from Good Life of Fort Mill, we checked the radar to see what our afternoon looked like. Skies were dark but the radar was clear. We returned from lunch to continue harvesting for our CSA deliveries. Within minutes rain was pouring and Jeremy, Jay and myself all found ourselves gathered in the bathroom to stay dry. An unexpected meeting. It was humorous. We laughed. We got close to an inch of rain in 45 minutes. We needed it. Again, another unexpected blessing.

We continue to have unexpected things happen at the farm. Most of them are doors opening that are exciting and unexpected. Some times, though, we have unexpected things happen that aren’t so exciting. But that’s life, right? We ride a rollercoaster of ups and downs and twists and turns. We have mountain top experiences and valleys we cross through as well. All the while knowing God’s sovereign and in control and it’ll be OK.

In the coming weeks we will be talking about some of our unexpected things. Most of them positive. But you know we like to keep things real here so some will be truth that’s not as fun. But it’s a balance and in the end we’re thankful for both the highs and the lows.

We had a fun week this week. We’ve begun the process of planting for the fall. We’ve planted carrots, spring onions, beets, radishes, and spinach. In the coming weeks we will also plant potatoes along with more carrots (we like carrots and Jay loves to pull them!).

Thanks for your constant support. We’re working on some fun ways that you can continue to support us that don’t involve produce. That will be fun for us to roll out. So be on the lookout!

Have a great weekend!



Thanks to our Subscribers. . .


Busy Week…