Wild Week

It’s been a wild week. We’ve had some crazy weather that’s caused some damage at the farm.

On Monday night a storm blew through ripping off the shade cloth to our old greenhouse. The wind blew this into our fence knocking it down. With the fence down it became evident every source of wildlife in Chester County entered into our back section of beds. Not only were we concerned with the damage from the wind but we had to watch where we walked because of the land mines left from our “furry friends.” Most of the tomatoes were off the plant, our beets were decimated, beans, peppers, and okra grazed, etc. The list goes on.

Thankfully, deer don’t know how to open locked doors. Everything in the greenhouse was fine. We’ve had some issues this summer with heat and sunlight. Through trial and error we’ve about fixed all of our issues and the lettuce in the greenhouse is returning to the quality we strive for.

I’m sitting in Chester at 9:30am on Thursday listening to the rain and thunder. Hoping it passes soon before we make the trek to Charlotte.

It’s been a wild week.

Stay safe out there.





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