Grow JOY Foundation
We have an awful lot going on at the farm which is really exciting; however, we have other exciting things happening elsewhere.
As we mentioned back in the summer, the Fort Mill School District contacted us about what we were doing in Chester with our farm. Through multiple meetings and conversations that ultimately led to us presenting to the School Board this past May, the Grow JOY Foundation was created. This educational 501(c)3 nonprofit will be operating in the Fort Mill School District to provide job/skill based learning opportunities to the Special Service classes plus many other benefits District wide.
Today was the start of many months of planning/meetings/preparation. Hoopaugh Grading Company LLC was out flying their drone to take preliminary pre-construction flights to gather more information about our land. We have much more work to complete, but being at this point and having the amazing partners we have committed to our vision is truly humbling.
Follow along as we embark on a one of a kind opportunity of skill based learning opportunities for our students. We will have more information about ways to support us and to get involved in the coming months as this is just the very beginning..