Pesky Deer…

It only seems fitting that as the season changes to warmer weather and our produce really takes off. . . . that those deer show up again. Thanks to our friends at True Value of Rock Hill we have some nice new chicken wire that we’ve placed on the lower section of our fencing. We are aware that deer can jump and get places that you wouldn’t expect. The thicker chicken wire will hopefully deter them from entering in at ground level. We’ll worry about the jumping part later. . .

Our potatoes, radishes, and beets look outstanding and should be harvested in the next week or so. We also have some strawberries coming in and we’re very excited about that. The warmer temperatures, in addition to produce growth, also means the return of weeds. Should you, or any of your friends, find the need to relieve some boredom - come and pull weeds! :) Cucumbers, tomatoes, melons, okra, and lots of other fun things have also been planted. Late June into July looks to be really fun and exciting at the farm.

Thanks for keeping up with us. We have lots of exciting things to announce in the coming weeks. Make sure you’ve subscribed so you can keep up!

Have a great weekend!



Market Time. . .


Purchasing our Produce