Progress. . .

Do you ever feel like some weeks you’re busy but you’re not making progress or being productive? We have those as well from time to time. This week, however, was not one of those weeks.

Jeremy and I have big plans for the farm. Those plans often involve meeting people, sharing our ideas and vision, and then casting out a pitch. That pitch could involve selling our produce somewhere to the public (looking at you Country Carrot and the Peach Stand). Sometimes that pitch is given to a new restaurant or commercial entity with the hopes to sell our produce. And other times we’re convincing each other of what our next move should be. We have lots of things at play right now and it’s fun to balance these plans with the reality of the day to day of farming.

For those who may be new to the blog - our main produce is lettuce. We have a greenhouse with an aquaponics that currently houses close to 2,500 heads of lettuce. However, we’re blessed with 67 grow beds that are all currently planted and in various life cycles. Due to wildlife we’re currently predominantly selling our lettuce. Our hope is in the next few weeks to be able to again offer radishes, carrots, beets, onion, spinach, and so much more.

This week we’ve made progress. We’ve managed to have some fun conversations and make new friends. We have more of the same scheduled for next week. At the same time, we’ve worked on some irrigation, worked on adding some pvc to make “mini green houses” on some of our grow beds, and delivered our normal weekly produce.

It’s been a good week. It’s been a fun week. It’s been a week of progress. Sometimes, that’s what matters.

Have a great weekend!



Auto Pilot


Busy Week. . .