Auto Pilot

The weather this week has been wonderful. The warmer temperatures have allowed a lot of our produce to bounce back from the ice. The beds of produce we lost during the subsequent ice storms were replanted and they are beginning to show new life. We haven’t done too much since our last blog post except maintain and prepare for the harvest that will come. We’re also eagerly anticipating spring, and with it warmer weather, that will allow us to plant spring and summer crops. With this preparation for spring/summer came the need to build another grow bed. This time, however, it’s for something quite different. I’ve paraphrased something that Jeremy wrote below:

We often get asked if we are certified organic. The simple answer is no. This is the answer for numerous reasons. One: it is extremely expensive and time consuming. Another reason is with regenerative farming techniques, aquaponics and with having bees, we are unable or better yet, unwilling to use sprays, fertilizers, etc. This would kill our bees, fish and ruin our soil we have worked hard to establish.

What do we do then?

Aquaponics is completely sustainable in the symbiotic ecosystem we have created with fish and plants so there are no other inputs outside of fish food and seeds. Our regenerative farming methodology includes numerous systems: from crop rotation (hugely beneficial, but extremely difficult to plan), using high quality compost, and finally we are growing plants we use for "green compost."

Comfrey is a really interesting, cool plant that we have discussed before. We have expanded our comfrey area using cuttings from a mature plant. This Guinness book of world record holder plant has an extremely high nutrient composition and breaks down quickly to provide proper nutrients and a mulch for our plants.

Have a great weekend!


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