Supporting Us

Many of you over the past two years have supported us in various ways. We’re thankful for that! Whether you stop by the farm to say hey and see what’s going on or support us by purchasing our produce; we’re thankful for you. Over the past few months our subscriber base has also increased and we thank you for that support. We continue to have a strong number of Bag of JOY subscribers and for that we’re thankful. Our subscribers are the reason that we’ve been able to hire 4 high school students this summer.

We continue to get asked how you can support us. The easiest way is to support us through The Country Carrot. You can place an online order through them and purchase our lettuce and some of our homegrown produce. Depending upon the quantity that you buy - they may even deliver it to you. Not only can you support us; but other local farms as well.

Thank you for your support of our farm. It’s making a difference. We’re able to spread JOY! That’s our goal!

Have a great Friday!



Busy Week…

