Working Together by Spreading JOY

From its inception the goal of Growing JOY Farms has been to create an inclusive workspace by hiring individuals with special needs as well as those who are considered “typical.” (I’m not here today to tackle issues on terminology - there’s been plenty of ink spilled on that. We’ll tackle that topic when it’s not the height of growing season.) Simply put - Jeremy and I wanted to have a place where we could hire anyone, teach them, prepare them for real world challenges, give them (and their families) a sense of worth, provide them with a quite literal life giving skill, and share the love of Jesus with them through our actions and our words.

We’re extremely excited that we’ve been able to hire 3 (!) high school men this summer. 2 of the 3 who have been hired have a diagnosis that doesn’t define them; yet shapes who they are and how they see and interact with the world around them. All 3 of these young men are unique, gifted, and bring their own set of skills to the table that will not only help the farm survive - but will help it thrive. In the coming weeks we hope to introduce you to each of them via the blog so that you can learn more about them and see the good work they’re doing for us.

This week 2 of the 3 began their employment with Growing JOY. It was an outstanding week. A lot was accomplished. We harvested close to 100 pounds of potatoes, planted 5 more beds, harvested and delivered our typical CSA and commercial restaurant orders. There was a lot more activity at the farm than normal. There was laughter. A lot of sweat. Moments of thunder (literally) and rain and running for the trucks. And for Jeremy and I - a sense of JOY. Something we had long thought out on paper and prayed for through the midst of a global pandemic and a crazy economy had come to fruition. Working together we will be able to continue to spread the JOY.

Thank you to all who support us. YOU are the reason this is able to happen.

Join us at the Fort Mill Farmers Market this Saturday. We will have patty pan squash, zucchini, potatoes, lettuce, kale, carrots, and maybe a few more goodies.



Additional CSA


Farm to Fork