Farm to Fork

Farming isn’t something that lots of folks set out to accomplish. The work is hard, nothing is guaranteed, days are long and weather is tough. In our area of South Carolina; we’re blessed with a lot of great farms. They provide wonderful produce, an atmosphere that’s welcoming to families, and the families that own them are wonderful people who make a difference in their communities.

Last night (Wednesday), The Nation Ford High School FFA Chapter hosted their annual Farm to Fork Dinner. Lee Petitgout is their faculty advisor. Lee does a lot for her students, her community, and these farmers.

We were blessed to be ask to provide some lettuce and carrots and gladly did so. It was a wonderful evening with other local farmers who also provided produce. The food was great and was prepared by the staff at Legal Remedy Riverwalk.

Things at our farm are really showing out. We harvested our first round of patty pan squash and zucchini. We will have a limited supply of these at the farmers market on Saturday. We also plan to have lettuce, carrots, spring onions, and leeks at the farmers market.

Come see us!



Working Together by Spreading JOY

