
We have been working on something special that we’re excited to share with you! Thanks to our friends at Stateline Gear we now have some awesome looking SPF shirts in stock that will be available for purchase beginning on Monday, October 3, 2022. Keep an eye on our Social Media accounts on Monday for links to be able to go online and purchase. The shirts will be available in Gray and Blue, both long sleeve and short sleeve. If you’ve ever seen us around delivering - you’ve seen us wearing similar colored shirts. You can see some of us from this summer wearing our shirts to the right. The shirts will be very similar in nature; though not quite identical. Our webstore will be updated over the weekend and beginning on Monday you can purchase a shirt to help spread the word about Growing JOY.

As always, we thank you for your support of our farm. These shirts are just another way - aside from buying our produce and sharing our posts - that you can help support us and get the word out.

Farm news: We spent a lot of time getting ready for the rain this weekend. We planted more beds and secured our fencing and other items in preparation for high winds. Thankfully, as of tonight, the wind isn’t supposed to be as bad as originally forecasted.

Stay safe and have a great weekend!



Lessons. . .


Second Summer